Rock Gardening Clinic


Rock Gardening Clinic - Neah Bay

Open coast Rock Gardening skills, rescues and safety, dynamic conditions. Day 3 of Tacoma's Open Coastal Weekend.

  • Sea Kayak IV/V
  • Moderate
  • Mileage: 7.0 nm
  • Maximum Wind: 15 kts
  • Maximum Waves: 4 ft
  • Maximum Currents: 2 kts
  • Pace: Moderate

Behind the Warmhouse restaurant in Neah Bay,  ready to paddle at 9 AM.

Rock Gardening skills, rescues and safety.

Learn directional control strokes, blended strokes and application for the dynamic environment.

Learn safety issues associated with playing in among the rocks.

Practice rescues and learn how to modify them and choose among them for the conditions encountered.

Participants must have taken an eddies and currents clinic.  Highly recommended that participants have taken a maneuvering strokes clinic, and an incident management clinic. Preference will be given to participants in the other 2 days events.


Hobuck Beach & Neah Bay

  • Custom Correct North Olympic Coast

    Green Trails Cape Flattery No. 98S

    MapTech Cape Flattery to Whidbey Island No. 103

    Sea Trails Strait of Juan de Fuca & Crescent Lake WA301

    Sea Trails Roadless Coast, Neah Bay to Ruby Beach WA302

    NOAA Cape Flattery No. 18485

    Green Trails Olympic Coast Beaches No. 99S
  • See full route/place details.
Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Sea Kayak with flotation both ends, full perimeter deck lines required, plastic preferred. 

PFD, Sprayskirt, bilge pump with floatation,  Paddle, Drysuit, HELMET, Extra clothes, personal First Aid Kit, personal Repair Kit, Lunch, water and snacks. 

Hghly recommend a spare paddle, gloves, neoprene skullcap under helmet, storm cag or poncho, and tow system. 

You do not need a chart, compass, flashlight, or fire starter.

Trip Reports