Basic Sea Kayak Equivalency - Tacoma - 2024 - 2027

Sea Kayaking Course

Basic Sea Kayak Equivalency

Basic Sea Kayak Equivalency is for those who already have the equivalent training and equipment for kayaking and kayak rescues to that of graduates of the Basic Sea Kayaking Course.

Candidates must be current Mountaineer members and have filled out the preliminary application to take this Equivalency Test.  Once their application has been accepted, and told to proceed by the Equivalency Coordinator, they may register for this "course", which includes paying a $25 fee.  This fee is nonrefundable. Applicants should be confident in their rescue skills, have a basic understanding of tides, currents and weather issues, have a proper sea kayak (not a recreational or white water kayak), and have the essential kayak gear listed below. Practice your rescues before registering for this course.

 The goal of this equivalency evaluation is to make sure that the paddler has the skills and equipment/clothing necessary to be a safe participant on an SK II Mountaineers trip as well as to be aware of what is expected of them on a Mountaineer trip.   They are expected to have the skills and equipment that we expect from our Basic Sea Kayak Course student graduates.  This test can be administered by any Tacoma Mountaineer sea kayak leader that is in good standing, and then must be approved by a vote from the Tacoma Mountaineers Sea Kayak Committee.  The equivalency candidate must show up on time for the equivalency test with the following items:  Sea kayak with flotation at both ends and with deck lines around the perimeter of the kayak, kayak paddle, spray skirt, Coast Guard-approved PFD, paddle float and pump, and wearing either a wet suit or dry suit. 

The above test may be waived for candidates who a) have ACA or BCU 2-star or above certification  or b) have taken a multi-day kayak expedition class from Kayak Academy, Body Boat Blade, or Washington Kayak Club.

After the equivalency evaluation, the candidate must go on a Mountaineer’s  Paddle of at least 6nm in length that is led by a Tacoma Branch trip leader. This leader will need to sign you up since you won't have the prerequisites stored on the website.

The last step is a vote of approval by the Tacoma Mountaineers Sea Kayak committee. The Equivalency Coordinator will then "graduate" you from this "course", and the computer awards you the Basic Sea Kayaking Course badge. This allows you to then sign up for sea kayaking trips.

Badges you will earn:

Course Requirements

This course has no scheduled activities.

Required Equipment

Sea kayak with flotation at both ends and with static deck lines around the perimeter of the kayak, kayak paddle, spray skirt, Coast Guard-approved PFD, paddle float and pump, and wearing either a wet suit or dry suit. 

Course Materials

You must register for this course to see course materials.