Interagency High School - Climbing

Youth activity: Mountain Workshop - Interagency High School

Interagency High School - Climbing - Mountaineers Seattle Program Center

Interagency teens will be learning how to belay and practicing teambuilding here at The Mountaineers!

  • For Beginners (Getting Started Series)

Meet at The Mountaineers Seattle Program Center at 9:30 AM. Interagency Youth will be here from 10 AM-12:30 PM.

We need climbers familiar with belaying to teach pairs of Interagency high schoolers how to toprope belay! We will show you how to teach belaying safely to these teens at the beginning of the day.

Interagency Academy is network of small, alternative high schools spread out across Seattle designed to support students who need different supports than comprehensive schools offer. We partner with community-based organizations and agencies to provide unique learning environments with targeted interventions. We are committed to working with every student, regardless of his or her past, and we believe that every student can grow and succeed if given the right support and encouragement.


Mountaineers Seattle Program Center

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Harness, Belay device, Lunch

Trip Reports