Seattle Explorers | Climbing 101 Skills Workshop

Youth activity: Explorers

Seattle Explorers | Climbing 101 Skills Workshop - Mountaineers Seattle Program Center

A chance for Explorers families to come in to the Mountaineers to learn to belay, tie a figure 8 knot, catch falls, and other basic climbing techniques. 9-11:30am

  • For Beginners (Getting Started Series)
  • 2 (7 capacity)
  • FULL (2 capacity)
  • 4 (7 capacity)
  • Cancellation & Refund Policy

The Mountaineers, 9am-11:30am

This will be the third workshop covering knot tying and belaying. There will be three of these workshops to ensure everyone has a chance to come learn and practice the fundamentals. If you are feeling confident in the skill, please come to help teach others!


instructors will earn:


Mountaineers Seattle Program Center

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Harness, belay device, climbing shoes

All required gear available to be borrowed by the Mountaineers.

Trip Reports