Kayaking in Moving Water


Kayaking in Moving Water - Lake Union: Northwest Outdoor Center

Refine strokes and maneuvers based on ACA Level 2 skills.

  • Sea Kayak II
  • Easy
  • Mileage: 3.0 nm
  • Maximum Wind: 10 kts
  • Maximum Waves: 1 ft
  • Maximum Currents: 1 kts
  • Pace: 2

Meet at 9 am at Northwest Outdoor Center (NWOC). Launch at 10 am. Kayaks, drysuits, and equipment are available for rent, call ahead to NWOC to reserve. People not renting may bring their own boats down the stairs to the NWOC dock to launch. Please bring a lunch, we plan to be done by 3 pm.

Improving Strokes and Maneuvers - Next Steps clinic is designed for kayakers who have completed the basic sea kayaking class and want to refine and improve strokes and maneuvers. This clinic is based on ACA Level 2 skills assessment (Strokes and Maneuvers Section) that includes forward and reverse strokes, sweeps, braces and draws, including the use of edging in different aspects of kayak maneuvering.  

From more information on ACA Level 2 (Essential of Kayaking Touring) skills go to this link: https://cdn.ymaws.com/www.americancanoe.org/resource/resmgr/SEI-Courses/L2_EKT_Assessment.pdf




Lake Union

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Either wetsuits or drysuits.  Kayak with spray skirts, PFD, pump, paddle float, & paddle.

Trip Reports