Conditioning Hike

Field trip: Compressed Alpine Scrambling Course

Conditioning Hike - West Tiger Mountain No. 3 Cable Line

Conditioning Hike for Seattle Alpine Scrambling Course Pod I

  • Strenuous
  • Moderate
  • Mileage: 5.5 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 3,000 ft
  • High Point Elevation: 2,880 ft

Meet 6:30 am at the High Point trailhead. Plan to arrive 10-15 minutes early to boot up and get your gear situated so you're ready to go by 6:30. 

Coming eastbound on I-90, take Exit 20 just east of Issaquah and turn right at the end of the offramp. Immediately turn right again onto SE 79th St. and drive west for about a quarter of a mile to the Cable Line trailhead. If you pass a gate and start driving uphill, you've gone too far. 

This is a conditioning hike for Pod I Seattle Alpine Scrambling Course students. We will use this trip to get to know our pod members, test out gear, discuss the course, and prepare for a summer of scrambling. 

We will take the Cable Line trail up to West Tiger 3 and continue on to West Tigers 2 and 1 for about 3000 feet of total elevation gain/loss. The trail is relatively steep and rough, making it good training for scramble approaches. It's popular, which is why need an early start on a Saturday morning. 

Covid precautions will be in effect. Keep your mask on and stay socially distanced in the parking lot. Our Covid procedures will be discussed before we start walking (generally as long as you keep your distance it is okay to have your mask off while hiking, but always be prepared to mask up and step off the trail when passing by other people).


West Tiger Mountain No. 3 Cable Line

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

You should carry the gear you would take on a day-long scramble trip, including the 10 essentials, rain gear, and extra clothes. This is not a scramble though, so you may leave your helmet, ice axe, and emergency harness at home. For conditioning purposes you could replace that gear with an equivalent weight of extra water. 

This is an opportunity to test out your mountaineering boots. If you have not bought them yet, regular hiking boots are okay.

There may be enough snow on the trail to warrant the use of traction devices (Yaktrax, microspikes, trail crampons). Full size climbing crampons that you'd use on a scramble would not be appropriate.

Trip Reports