Seminar and Field Trip - Hammersley Inlet

Seminar: Sea Kayaking: Incident Management/Risk Assessment

Seminar and Field Trip - Hammersley Inlet

Sea Kayaking: Incident Management/Risk Assessment

  • Sea Kayak III
  • Moderate
  • Maximum Waves: 2 ft
  • Maximum Currents: 4.0 kts
  • Pace: 4nm

Arcadia Boat Launch.


Time to be determined later.


All day event

Incident Management / Risk Assessment starts the moment you think about a trip. The Olympia Mountaineers Sea Kayaking Group two part Incident Management class / Risk Assessment helps you identify risks and prevent them before they happen, but not all things go as planned so we help you figure out what to have in your bag of tricks and in your essentials that you carry with you. So when things do not go as planned the incident becomes an inconvenience and not something worse. This is by no means a guarantee that it will prevent an incident.


Hammersley Inlet

Required Equipment

Required Equipment


Trip Reports