Family Backpack - Greenwater Lakes

Field trip: Backpacking with Kids

Family Backpack - Greenwater Lakes

This two night easy backpack to just above the Greenwater Lakes makes for a nice base camp for middle day trips to Lost or Echo Lakes or just fishing or swimming in the Greenwater Lakes. The weekday timing allows for some more solitude.

  • Easy, Moderate
  • Easy
  • Mileage: 5.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 650 ft
  • High Point Elevation: 2,917 ft
  • Pace: 1.5 mph

This is an easy approach to a nice campsite with a good pit toilet just above the small Greenwater Lakes.  The site makes for an excellent base camp for a day hike to Lost Lake or Echo Lake (if there is a contingent of older kids up for a challenge). There is decent fishing at each lake, for those interested in bringing in a pole.  (Lures and flies - not bait - are preferred for wilderness fishing.)

Let's meet at the trailhead at 10:00 AM to beat a little bit of the Sunday heat.  Temperatures will be in the 80s, so dress with cool wicking clothes and a hat to protect from the sun.  Supposedly the bugs are less aggressive, but I'm always prepared with spray and head nets.


Greenwater, Echo & Lost Lakes

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Be prepared with the gear discussed in the workshop, and plan to pack it in a manner that ensures happy younger children.   The trip leader will bring supplies needed to prepare and cook any fish caught.

Trip Reports