Mentor Group Practice Camp

Field trip: Backpacking Building Blocks (B3) Course

Mentor Group Practice Camp - Magnuson Park

Try out your gear in a low-risk, practice environment! Students will "backpack" approx 0.5 miles into the park. We'll then practice setting up our camp, treating water, and preparing a hot meal. Early priority for registration will be given to students in Colin's and Nick's mentor group.

  • Easy
  • Mileage: 1.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 46 ft

This practice camp for Colin's and Nick's mentor group will allow students to practice packing their pack, setting up their tents/sleeping bags, gathering and filtering/treating water, and making a hot meal.  It's a great opportunity for students to try out their gear in a low-risk, practice environment, while also checking out their mentors' and fellow students' gear.

  • 5pm: Meet at “trailhead” (aka, the Picnic Shelter #3)
  • 5pm - 5:15pm: Put on packs and walk to our “campsite” in the Kite Hill area of Magnuson Park (Caltopo GPS route:
  • 5:15pm-8:45pm:
    • Set up tents & sleep systems, discuss camp layout and Leave No Trace camping
    • Collect and treat water using your water treatment system
    • Make a meal using your backpacking stove, discuss Leave No Trace food prep and cleanup, and food storage
    • Pack up camp
  • 8:45pm-9:00pm: Put on packs and walk back to “trailhead”
  • 9:00pm: Debrief as needed
A few comments:
Pretend it’s a real trip!
  • Create a checklist, however simple, and use it to pack your pack.
  • Bring a pack loaded for an overnight including:
    • Water treatment
    • Water bottle / container
    • Stove and fuel
    • Pot
    • Eating utensils
    • Food for one hot meal
    • Water (for drinking and as needed for cooking your hot meal)
    • Toileting supplies
    • Tent
    • Sleeping bag
    • Sleeping pad
  • Real trip clothing, footwear, and raingear – we’ll spend 3 hours outside, rain or shine
  • You should try to carry at least 25 lbs
If you don’t yet have all of your equipment, that’s okay.  Borrow or rent what you can, and bring what you have.  And be sure to ask LOTS of questions.  Our goal is to help you learn, and to help you feel comfortable with setting up and using your equipment.

Thursday, April 4th at 5pm

Magnuson Park Picnic Shelter #3 (Google Maps)

Rain or shine!


Magnuson Park

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Bring your backpack loaded with all of the gear that you have rented, borrowed or bought to date, and all of your questions!

Trip Reports