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Backpack with the Mountaineers in Patagonia - Info Session June 30

Is it on your life-list to backpack the lovely, unique landscapes of the Patagonian Andes?  The Mountaineers can take you there. Read more…

Yakima Wildflower Hiking Series!

 This spring  wildflowers are at their peak in the desert country of the Yakima Canyon! Join Foothills hike leader and photographer Chris Pribbernow for a fun series of hikes through beautiful desert wildflowers in the Yakima Canyon!  Read more…

Teaching the Natural World to a “City Girl”

I grew up in the city. A fairly large city at that. No more than ten minutes from downtown high-rises. Nature to me was a line of oak trees on a hillside of evenly cut grass. Read more…

Naturalist Speaker Series - March 12

Gone for nearly 40 years, the Western Bluebird had completely disappeared from the San Juan Islands. But local bird lovers are bringing them back. Read more…

Seattle Naturalists Speaker Series - Feb. 11

The fisher, native to the Olympic range, was trapped to extinction some 80 years ago. In 2008, wildlife biologists began an ambitious project to bring fishers back. Read more…

Take a Photo Tour of the San Juans and Gulf Islands with Craig Romano

Foothills Branch brings you another fascinating photo journey with prolific traveler and guidebook author Craig Romano! Read more…

Seattle Naturalists Speaker Series - Jan. 15

The Earth’s surface is made up of a dozen or so tectonic plates floating over the planet’s mantle. The collision of the Juan de Fuca plate and North American plate uplifted and formed our North Cascades range. Donn Charnley, longtime college geology instructor, will walk you through the process. Read more…

Explore Maui's Haleakala National Park!

Join long-time Mountaineers trip leader Royce Poetter for a five-day getaway in Maui's Haleakala National Park next March. Read more…

Seattle Naturalist Speaker Series - Nov. 20

Join WSU ecologist John Bishop as he talks about the stunning return of life to Mt. St. Helens, 34 years after the blast. The lecture hosted by The Mountaineers Seattle Naturalist Committee will be held on Nov. 20 at the Seattle Program Center from 7-9pm.  Read more…

Ghost Bears: Studying Grizzly Bears in Washington’s North Cascades

National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA) and The Mountaineers are proud to present Ghost Bears: Studying Grizzly Bears in Washington’s North Cascades Ecosystem. Admission is free, but you need to secure your spot by signing up early!  Read more…