Trip Report
Winter Scramble - Dosewallips Log Dodge
The snows of early January (and their side effects) have rendered the Dosewallips River Road a world class venue for log dodging (an upcoming winter Olympics sport ;). Originally intended as a 2 day ascent of Piros Spire Spur (from a Dose Forks camp), road/log conditions turned us around at ~4 miles shy of the abandoned Dosewallips Campground.
- Sat, Jan 29, 2022
- Winter Scramble - Dosewallips River Road Trail
- Dosewallips River/Abandoned National Park Road
- Scrambling
- Turned Around
- Road suitable for all vehicles
The road is an absolutely mess (for driving as well as hiking) with unplowed snow and numerous fallen logs. Minimal parking by the road side ~1.5+ miles shy of the ‘current’ road end, leading to a total of just under 8 miles from the cars to the abandoned Dosewallips Campground. We brought everything (snowshoes, crampons, ice axe) for our Piro’s Spire Spur ascent, used none of it, and turned around at the 4 mile mark after giving up hope of an easing of the log dodging conditions.
No mention of unfavorable conditions on the Olympic National Park website (yet), and my bad for not checking wta.org (won’t happen again). Some of us did a private consolation hike up Mount Walker on the way home. Total time of 4 hours to the 4 mile mark and back. Photos from this and other trips to this venue can be seen here.