Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Wilderness Navigation Field Trip - Students and Instructors - Heybrook Lookout & Ridge

Wet but warm FT brought 61 students their Wilderness Navigation badge -- anticipated winds were a no show. Treated to a never before seen ground-hugging horizontal rainbow during a brief squall.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Road conditions were fine and trail, where available, was in good shape.  Blow down section no worse than earlier outings. A fine stew of mud in lower portions of trail to tower. 

Burt rainbow 7apr2018 Nav FT Heybrook.docx

Some 21 instructors worked with 61 well equipped students on the classic Heybrook Ridge Wilderness Navigation field trip.  With temps in high 40's and low 50's, the persistent rain minimized hyper cooling.  Breaks were brief and lunch problem provided occasional views of Mt Philadelphia.  Students completed the final problem in good time without any injuries requiring more than band-aids. 

One keys-left-in-car issue was cleverly solved by the participant driver.  Record keeping at registration was problematic with the rain but well sorted by trip's close.  No shows = 9.  Cancellations were n=9 instructors and n=44 participants, the usual roster churn for this activity.

Instructor radio usage was again key as were GPS tracks for tree leads at launch stations A through E.

Spring weather while wet, brought bouts of bright sun and one killer rainbow show.