Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

The Tooth/South Face

Sun, Sep 13, 2015 Basic Alpine Climb - The Tooth/South Face

Trip led by Jim Gellman.

Met at the Issaquah Highlands P&R @ 7am. A few members accidentally went to the Issaquah Transit Center... old routines are hard to break! Didn't really lose any time getting to the trailhead. Hike in was uneventful. Only one pair of climbers in front of us. They were fast and given their head start we didn't see them until they started their rappel off. Climb to summit was pretty standard and efficient. The students did very well. The last rope team encountered the party of two rappelling. They were very courteous and did not rappel on top of our party. Hey guys if you are reading this thank you for this it is greatly appreciated. We didn't hold them up long. We did single rope rappels off which seems to have less rope hanging issues. Hike out was likewise uneventful. Partly cloudy all of the day with the sun peaking out once in a while to tease us. Still the rock stayed dry and it was reasonably warm. 9.5h RT for a team of 7. Finished the day with a trip to the North Bend Bar & Grill for dinner. Super fun day! Graduating climb for all four of the students.