Trip Report
Stewardship - Mount Pilchuck
RD: Major pot holes all the way to trail head. Trail: 2 Trees down over trail in first mile, a few snow patches mile before smmit, trail cold use some maintenance. LOOKOUT: Needs overhaul, paint, roof, shutters, grafitte becoming an issue. Installed nuts to secure shutters up.
- Sat, Jun 18, 2016
- Stewardship - Mount Pilchuck
- Mount Pilchuck
- Stewardship
- Successful
- Road recommended for high clearance only
Trail is mostly snow free except for last mile that still has snow patches.
Weather was raining hard. It was snowing at summit when we left at 12 noon. Plans to do less work on lookout was was made due to weather. Hyperthermia was a concern prompting us to keep moving and get off the mountain as there was thnder storms in the forcast. One participant had a slower pace making us to appoint another particapant to stay behind whith them and hike there pace. The others continued on and started the work. We met the slower participant near the summit on the way down. Everybody made it back down without incedent. A good learning experence with group dynamics.