Trip Report
Sea Kayak - Nisqually Delta & Reach
We paddled a clockwise circle, out to Anderson, across to the shipwreck for lunch, then into the most East channel by the RR tracks and cut to the Nisqually river mouth and back to the opverflowing launch.
- Sun, Aug 14, 2016
- Sea Kayak - Nisqually Delta & Reach
- Nisqually Delta & Reach
- Sea Kayaking
- Successful
- Road suitable for all vehicles
The launch was very crowded on this hot August weekend. We parked double lengthwise to allow more room but by the time we got back there was parking on the streets nearby.
It was a fun day, easy paddling, we saw Eagles, Canadian Geese, Seals and a brief spotting of Doll Porpoises. We paddled out of a crowded Luhr Beach launch. We launched late around noon due to tides. Our route was out to Anderson Island then across to the shipwreck near the East banks, then into the most East channel and across to the Nisqually river, then back to the Launch. Coming back we saw a lot of birdlife and Seals. There was a large flock of Canadian Geese near the shipwreck.