Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Sea Kayak - Chuckanut Bay

With winds from the south at around 8 to 10 kts, we found the waves along the west side of Governors Point were a bit much at the start so we returned to the rock just outside Wildcat Cove to wait for conditions to calm down. After exploring the tide pools there, our brave team headed back up the west side of the point and found the conditions much improved, enough to make the short trip to Chuckanut Island easy peasy. We took advantage of the low tide to land on the beach for some snacking and picture taking. The weird erosion of the coastal rocks in the Chuckanut Formation look like something out of the sketch books of the late artist H.R. Giger, of Alien fame. Some of the sandstone features are nightmarish enough to make one wonder if he ever paddled in the area. Next we checked out the northern part of Chuckanut Bay before returning back to Wildcat Cove. With the changes in route, made enroute, we still managed to meet the published 7.5+ nm distance goal and finished less than an hour later than originally planned. Pix from the paddle are posted on the EMSK Facebook group site, including the original trip plan, wind condition forecast histogram and trend chart from Wind Alert, and the actual route traveled.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles