Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Rampart ridge and Carter falls

Parked at Longmire , hiked up Rampart ridge loop then up to Carter falls, return to Longmire.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • We met at 8am on a Friday and parked at Longmire. Restrooms and snack bar are open, but masks required due to uptick in covid. We hiked up Rampart ridge then down the loop. Mosquitoes are out along the creek so cover up or spray! We crossed the road and then hiked up hill to carter falls, crossing the new bridge near Cougar rock. Lots of people at the bridge on a nice day and on the way to the falls and back. 

    This is about 10.7 miles and 2,135 according to Gaia app. Bear grass is in full bloom.Good part is that you get some ups and downs but last segment is down to Longmire with restrooms and snacks. 

    Next weekend there is a marathon and traffic will be a nightmare. 

Bear grass is out! Bridge at Cougar Rock to Carter falls is in. Mosquitoes are around the wet area on the decent from Rampart ridge! 10.7 miles , 2,135 elevation gain according to Gaia. 

To avoid crowds you could start at Rampart and then go up to Mildred Point and back.