Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Olallie Lake (winter)

Olallie Lake (winter)

  • Tue, Dec 29, 2015
  • Talapus Lake Trail
  • Snowshoeing
  • Successful
  • Road suitable for all vehicles

12/27/15: Our group of nine left the Pratt Lake trailhead at about 10am. The lower quarter-mile of the trail is "vague" right now, owing to a network of informal tracks and some blowdowns, but if you err on the side of "uphill and to the right" you will reach the main trail. The past week has seen some good consolidation of the snow on this trail, and there was a good track to follow. Really excellent snowshoeing conditions. We had a pleasant light snowfall most of the day, enjoyed our lunch at the lake while dodging the camp robbers, and had an uneventful trip back down, arriving back at the cars at about 3:30pm.

We had one equipment issue. A snowshoe binding not designed for heavy use kept coming loose already in the first quarter mile. This was resolved with a zip tie on each binding, to keep the straps in place.