
Trip Report    

Olallie Creek

We had a lovely hike to Ollalie Creek Campground, which started with a wonderful short trip to the Grove of the Patriarchs, which includes a cool suspension bridge, and ended with a quick side trip to beautiful Silver Falls.

  • Sat, Oct 30, 2021
  • Olallie Creek
  • Day Hiking
  • Successful
  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • A few sections of the trail on the Grove of the Patriarchs were slick with ice, especially the boardwalk. Take care here.   The Cowlitz Divide trail was certainly hike-able, but was quite wet due to several days of pouring rain. Sometimes the trail was a creek itself! 

    There are several creek crossings on the way to the camp. Most were easy enough. One is a wide, sturdy log (not too high up) with no railing. We had no trouble, but if it had been icy, we would have likely turned around. When we arrived at the campground - surprise! There is no bridge and it had been raining so heavily a few days before that it would have been dangerous to cross the creek. We all agreed it was best to see it from afar and come back another day. We went just a short distance farther down the trail to find a sunny spot, had lunch, and turned around. 

Note the Stevens Canyon Road closes in winter just beyond the parking lot where we parked. The Eastside Trail is well signed and easy to find. There were nice bathrooms at this TH and plenty of parking.