Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Navigation Online Workshop

Due to covid-19 restrictions, this Nav Workshop normally held in Goodman A and B in the Seattle Program Center was moved online.

  • Road impassable/closed
  • I'd like to commend the students and instructors for a successful online workshop. The Seattle Nav Committee was also instrumental in supporting the push to keep the course open.

    In March, as state government recommendations and rules were  necessarily changing every several days in response to new information, the Committee concluded that we would likely be unable to offer in-person  workshops or field trips in April.  Spring Field Trips unfortunately had to all be cancelled, but we wanted to salvage the workshops and offer students an opportunity to somehow continue their navigation learning online.  38 students successfully completed the 4/2/2020 workshop at home, working through the provided student packet on their own. We had instructors standing by to help as needed. Kudos to all!

    We  look forward to offering in-person Workshops and Field Trips again.  Stay-tuned!