Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Humpback Mountain

Solo conditioner and bagged a new peak

  • Sun, Jun 14, 2020
  • Humpback Mountain
  • Scrambling
  • Successful
  • Road suitable for all vehicles

I started at the lower trailhead at about 2680' elevation. The trail is steep and muddy, making it slippery in places.  The path through the trees is completely snow free, but the top is a scramble over boulders with just a little hard snow. There is a bit of a false summit. Just keep going until you find the PVC pipe containing the summit register or check your position with Gaiagps.humback1.pnghumback2.png

I lost the trail briefly coming down since, of course, there is no bootpath on the boulders but it was easy to find again since it follows the ridgeline.

On the lower parts of the trail I saw numerous holes that I at first thought were some sort of animal burrows, but on the way down I ran into three people carrying shovels and a pickaxe. It turns out people dig for quartz crystals here.