Trip Report
Hoh River to Olympus Ranger Station
Half a mile of the trail between Happy Four camp and Olympus Ranger station is washed out/under the water.
- Fri, Apr 28, 2023 — Sun, Apr 30, 2023
- Backpacking Building Blocks Student-Only Backpack - Hoh River to Olympus Ranger Station
- Hoh River
- Backpacking
- Successful
- Road suitable for all vehicles
The trail up to Happy Four campsite is in good condition. Requires sevaral shallow creek crossings.
After that there are several big trees over the trail that require either hopping over or navigating around. One wide creek has a lot of water from this week melt, but can be crossed hopping on the rocks - bring the hiking poles!
At ~8mile marker the trail is washed out and requires a reroute for 0.4-0.5 mile. We kept to the left of the river navigating though the blowdown and were able to successfully rejoin the trail on the other side of the washout and proceed to the Olympus guard station. Trail was pretty clear for the rest of the track.
We really lucked out with the weather and enjoyed a great two night backpacing trip. Our base camp was at group site at 5 Mile Island, which was nicely secluded from other sites and had an easy water access. A lot of wild life sightings - deers, elk and a lot of birds!