Trip Report
Glacier Climb - Mount Daniel/Lynch Glacier
Rough road, bugs at lakes, glacier in good shape
- Sat, Jun 25, 2016 — Sun, Jun 26, 2016
- Basic Glacier Climb - Mount Daniel/Lynch Glacier
- Mount Daniel/Lynch Glacier
- Climbing
- Successful
- Road rough but passable
Mosquitoes abundant at Squaw Lake and Peggy's Pond. Snow patches at Peggy's Pond, became solid at about 6,300 feet.
Drove in Friday and slept at the trail head in rain showers. Road very rough but passable. Some cars did drive in. Left TH at a leisurely 8:30 am, and took our time, enjoying several long breaks. The original plan was to camp at Peggy's Pond, but we decided to move higher. We went to about 6300 feet, where we could sleep on snow yet filter water from a stream. Beautiful view in all directions, with Cathedral Rock in full view. We had lots of time to relax, get water, and eat before most retired to bed. Some stayed awake to watch the gorgeous sunset.
We awoke at 3am sharp for a 4:07 departure. The snow had firmed up, so we wore crampons out of camp. We roped up at Pea Soup Lake, which had some snow on it and was completely solid. Made it across to the glacier, climber up and made the summit. Gorgeous views! Rainier, Baker, Glacier Peak, and more. Hung out, had some food, took some photos, and then headed down.
We'd camped above Peggy's Pond, so couldn't go down the usual scramble route. Instead, we followed the ridge straight down to our camp, quickly packed up, and headed out. Overall a fantastic climb in perfect weather with a great crew!