Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Foss Peak/Unicorn Creek

Foss Peak/Unicorn Creek

  • Road suitable for all vehicles

A wonderful snow scramble was had by our awesome team under glorious (if warm) weather conditions. Started/ ended at the intersection of the gated junction of the Paradise Road with Stevens Canyon Road leading to a long plowed road walk to the Bench/Snow Lake trail. Trail itself was very easy to follow this year, with mix of snow and dirt patches to just before Snow Lake. From above the lake, we kicked steps alternately with post-holing through soft snow to the upper basin, before heading off to get to the Foss saddle. From that point, we traversed through trees around the first bump to the final saddle. From there, a gentle rising traverse and lots of plowing through deeper snow towards the western aspect of the peak for the final ascent. Great views both north and south!
From there, we made a loop, dropping into the basin which eventually drains into Louise Lake. We were able to practice both glissading and self arrest in our descent. Between the heavier snow and the multiple ledges to descend, it took a while to find our way back to the road, and the walk back to the cars.