Trip Report
Day Hike - Tubal Cain Mine
A pleasant easy trail day, started with light mist and finished with sunshine.
- Wed, Sep 18, 2019
- Day Hike - Tubal Cain Mine
- Tubal Cain Mine
- Day Hiking
- Successful
- Road suitable for all vehicles
Forest service roads traveled on were moist, a few potholes but I've seen plenty worse! Trail treadwas well defined, moist from rain with a few small shallow puddles. Some streams across the trail, but easily crossed.
Started on trail, followed it past Tull Canyon trail, after crossing Copper Creek, we realized that we had gone too far. went back down trail and found the Tull Canyon Trail, then we went up to the wreckage of the B-17 that crashed. Had lunch and then returned.