Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Day Hike - Thorp Lake & Lookout Loop

Wildflowers, moderate breeze & temperature, few bugs & people

  • Road rough but passable
  • Lots of wildflowers on south facing slopes around 5000' elevation.  Unlike 7-4-18 doing the same loop, there were no snow patches. However, there was more water in the streams which were not difficult to cross without getting wet boots.  Butterflies in the air but none were puddling. At the lookout, there were 15-20 people in addition to our group. It appeared they had arrived via the Knox Creek trail.  On our loop route via the Thorp  Creek and Little Joe trails (counterclockwise), we encountered only two other small groups.  On the trail there were several fallen trees across the trail, but not difficult to go around or climb over (or under).  Very thick foliage across the trail on the portion of the trail paralleling Thorp Creek.   I gave this hike  "5" because I love wildflowers, some elevation gain, views and few crowds.