Trip Report
Day Hike - Sun Top Lookout
Turkey burn hike with a bit of snow, a bit of volcano, a bit of sun and no rain!
- Fri, Nov 24, 2017
- Day Hike - Sun Top Lookout
- Sun Top Lookout
- Day Hiking
- Successful
- Road suitable for all vehicles
Road is currently not gated at the SnoPark although that will change soon. No trees across the road. Snow starts at about 4000' and is around a foot at the top. We opted for the road section instead of the trail at the end. No avvy danger yet.
Pretty sweet post-turkey hike to Sun Top. After a week of heavy rain we lucked out with a weather window in the lee of Rainier. Sun, a few snowflakes but not much wind and no rain. Snow started around 4,000' and was your typical crusty concrete but not too bad for walking (minimal breakthrough). Lots of deer and snowshoe hare tracks along the road and we saw the elk herd right along 410 just south of Greenwater.
Views of Little T, Emmons glacier and a bit of the north wall from the top. Views to the east and north were obscured by clouds but could see the Castle and into the Crystal basin.
Trails on the east side of 410 are still closed and will be for some time according to the Enumclaw Ranger station.