Trip Report
Day Hike - Summit Lake
a semi-nice day to be out
- Wed, Jun 24, 2020
- Day Hike - Summit Lake
- Summit Lake
- Day Hiking
- Turned Around
- Road suitable for all vehicles
In both morning and evening, road was dry to trailhead. Gravel road from bridge to logging area, rougher afterwards, then spots where bushes extended into the road way. Difficult for two cars to pass easily. Road was easily driven up to logging area. then multiple roads leading off main road (not signed). Roadway 'bouncy' and rougher as we progressed uphill. (Note: I drive a Toyota Tundra, 4wd.) Road not steep or sharply banked. Trailhead parking large area, was all dry.
found forest Road 7810 2.2 miles past new ranger station and before road washout. Trail dry, easily followed uphill, some Trillium, more Avalanche Lilies. Encountered consolidated snow patches around 4,700', finally consolidated snow all over around 5,200'. Tracks easily followed over patches, but once on all-over snow, tracks all but disappeared. Hd lunch at about 5,351', then went back down to vehicles.