Trip Report
Day Hike - Spray Park
This was my Goldilocks Trip. It fit pretty well.
- Sat, Jul 23, 2016
- Day Hike - Spray Park
- Spray Park
- Day Hiking
- Successful
- Road suitable for all vehicles
It was soggy in spots. We went slowly enough so that I didn't slip, slide or fall.
I think I have found my hike leader. I most enjoy my hikes with her. It was not a "5" only because of me, not her. I need to keep conditioning so that going up hill will not be as taxing.
I do condition but since I have not done any hiking for 30 years, my body has a lot of catching up to do.
I don't feel stressed out with Dee Ann leading. She seems to be OK with the fact that I will be the slowest going uphill until my body can make up for years of inactivity. She just seems to want me to make progress; keep working at it until I get there.
Her kindness, as well as her example, motivate me and make me want to keep trying.
She also seems to attract kind and tolerant people on her hikes. It is a joy to be with them.
I especially like that she observes the flowers and our surroundings as opposed to focusing on a race to our destination. I too, like to look at our surroundings.
I feel very safe with Dee Ann.