Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Day Hike - Mount McCausland

Great day, great group! Fall colors and blueberries were out in full force, and beautiful. Climbed to top of McCausland and also did side trip down to Lake Valhalla.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Trail was in great shape and well graded.  A few downed trees, but easy to climb over or under.  The trail up to McCausland is steep, poles are very helpful coming down.

Arrived at trailhead a little after 8:00 to around 20 cars in the lot, and returned around 2:30 to cars parked for quite a ways down the road. The trail was very busy in the afternoon and at Lake Valhalla. masks about 50/50.  Information was mixed on whether NW Forest Pass was required or not.  Group was advised to have one just in case.  No signs observed and it didn't appear anyone was checking.