Trip Report
Day Hike - Mount Ellinor
Mount Ellinor conditioner to [snow] scramble.
- Wed, Jun 1, 2016
- Day Hike - Mount Ellinor
- Mount Ellinor
- Day Hiking
- Successful
- Road suitable for all vehicles
Snow level is midway between summer-winter junction and rock garden, ~1,400 meters / ~4,600 feet. South slope is starting to melt out. Depending on weather, ~2 more weeks and the trail might just be clear of snow. The summit is mostly melted out.
- Section of trail between summer-winter junction and 2nd viewpoint (where it levels off for a short distance), requires extra care since this is a steep rocky area, slippery when wet.
- Punch through abound.
- Rock moats in rock garden area.
- Habituated goats that can get a bit too close. Forest Service recommends throwing rocks at them.
Trip Metrics
Start Time: 17:15 | End Time: 20:45 | Total Time: 150 minutes
Since all participants are current Basic Climbing students, we went up the summer couloir to make it more of a challenge. Though the South slope would be an easier ascent, it's much less of a challenge.
Pictures (provides more description):