Trip Report
Day Hike - Mailbox Peak
Our goal was 1250’/hr. We started a bit fast, then backed off. Up the old trail down the new. A great day to be out. It was very wet at times.
- Sun, Jun 5, 2022
- Day Hike - Mailbox Peak
- Mailbox Peak
- Day Hiking
- Successful
- Road suitable for all vehicles
The old trail is steep, rutted and full of roots but no worse than any other time. All the snow is gone except a patch at the top, but it’s off to the side. The new trail is in good shape. A bit muddy in spots.
We got started at 7:00 am, hiking from the lower lot. Our pace was a bit too brisk at the start, and we backed off after a mile. No rain at the start and decent weather with valley views when we broke out of the trees but it was short lived. The clouds, rain and wind rolled in. I had to stop to add rain pants and another layer. It was blowing hard. We made the summit in 3 hours, took a couple photos and retreated, due to the cold and wet. We descended the new trail. We ate a snack/lunch aboutv1/2 way down. Back to the cars by 1pm. 7.8 miles, 4000’ gain/loss, and 6 hours. Plenty of park8ng on this day.