Trip Report
Day Hike - Kamikaze (Teneriffe) Falls
A full trip roster enjoyed this hike's great mix of wider social trail, just enough elevation gain to get your heart rate up, and prize photo op at the top. We headed up just after 8 a.m. and, with breaks, were back down at about 11:30 a.m.
- Sun, Mar 18, 2018
- Day Hike - Teneriffe (Kamikaze) Falls
- Teneriffe (Kamikaze) Falls
- Day Hiking
- Successful
- Road suitable for all vehicles
The trail was well-maintained and we ended up not needing to use microspikes. The only snow seen on the hike was a little snow bridge still at the base of Kamikaze Falls.
Meeting at Trailhead: We had a full roster show up on time at 7:45 a.m. That was a perfect time to show up because the newer Mount Teneriffe trailhead parking lot still had plenty of space. Only thing I hope they fix is the sign from the road says it's the Mount Si Trailhead, which I'm sure has confused a lot of people new to the area.
Trail Conditions: After introductions, map handouts, and designating sweep and first aid leads, we headed up just after 8 a.m. The beginning of the trail is wide and relatively flat enough to easily carry on conversations. About halfway through the hike, the trail gets rockier, elevation gain picks up and, especially when it's wet outside, people need to take extra care with their step. No microspikes were needed because all snow and ice has melted off the trail. It wasn't even muddy.
Kamikaze Falls (I don't know why the photos are rotated the wrong way)
Weather: The forecast called for partly cloudy skies but we had light precipitation on and off throughout the hike. Everyone was prepared with rain gear.
Trip Summary: Everyone returned safely and as a group to the trailhead at about 11:30, which was pretty good time considering we had two water breaks and a 15-minute lunch break near the falls. Feedback from trip participants said they that enjoyed the pace, the trail and amount of breaks. We thanked Courtny Eng for mentoring my hike leader certification hike, took some group photos and were free to enjoy the rest of our Sunday by noon.