Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Day Hike - Carbon River Road

Carbon River Road was a really gorgeous hike despite the rain.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • The road leading up to the trailhead is in good condition. Low and high clearance vehicles would be able to be on this road just fine. The trail is in good condition too, there were some slippery rocks, puddles, and muddy spots but everybody used caution. 

The group met at the Safeway in Covington and we carpooled from there to the trailhead. We parked beside the road near the trailhead since the main little parking lot was full. We began the hike at 9:20 am and came back at 3:00 pm. It rained off and on throughout the hike and then it got sunny and rainy. Everybody took pictures of the amazing scenery. We arrived at Ipsut Creek Campground around 12:00 pm to have lunch at one of the picnic tables at a campsite and go to the restroom. On our way back to the cars, we took a little .2 mile side trip to Chenuis Falls and it was really pretty and big. All in all, it was a great hike with only a 600 ft elevation gain on a lazy Sunday in May.