Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Day Hike - Barclay Lake

The trail is well maintained, very little brush. Some exposed roots. Beautiful view of Baring Mountain. Lots of camp sites.

  • Road rough but passable

 The road to the trailhead has a few large potholes. A regular car would be ok, drive slow. There is not much parking at the trailhead. If the parking lot is full you may have to try to turn  around, or drive in reverse to back out of the small parking lot. The privy was open, no tp. 

The trail is in great shape, some exposed root steps. The bridge over Barclay Creek is in good shape, very sturdy with a hand rail. Beautiful view of Baring Mountain, there are snow patches on the north face. We went to the east end of the lake and had lunch at a camp site. There are quite a few camp sites along the lake. 

We got lucky, there was light rain at the beginning of the hike. By the time we got back to the cars the sun was starting to come out. No bugs at all.