Trip Report
Davis Creek
Good times with new and old friends!
- Sat, Aug 10, 2019
- Davis Creek
- Canyoning
- Successful
- Road suitable for all vehicles
Checked the waterflow at a bridge as described in the RopeWiki page. Appeared to be moderate per those photos provided.
More information provided in the TR below with regard to missing/new logs.
This was my second only canyon ever, and the only canyon I've actually done. The first time was in Sept. of 2018. During that time of year the water flow was at moderate levels, but this year Aug. 2019 seemed like a little more water was moving through the canyon, but not by much. Many thanks goes out to Peppe, Marko, Siana, Gina, and Lauren to being good canyon partners.
Some things to note:
R6, R7, R8, it may help to have a guided rappel to keep you out of the water course or pendulum issues.
R5 was somewhat tricky this year. There was a strainer log root/jam before a very large chock stone boulder, unlike 2018 where we could just walk down a logjam here. Now there is a high bolt and quick-link (New???) DCR as you approach said strainer. We managed this by sending Peppe down on a belayed down climb. He set a hand line and then rap for this part. The canyon in this part is narrow and slippy, stemming/chimney skills helped here. Good thing for Peppe, he was able to set this up with speed an efficiency.
All in all a great day out.... Felt as though I personally learned a lot and I think others did too on this trip! Thanks again for the invite Marko!