
Trip Report    

Crater Mountain

Long hike that curiously has no off-trail sections, except for a 400' T-5 scramble. Pretty much like doing Mt Si Twice, (but with killer views).

  • Sun, Jul 24, 2016
  • Crater Mountain
  • Scrambling
  • Successful
  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Trail has a few blowdowns.

Switchbacks in the 3000-4500' range are east of where shown on the map, (no big deal).

There was no snow on the scramble section, and just some minor bits below that.

I personally think the scramble does not quite deserve a T-5 rating because it seemed to me that the harder moves did not have much exposure.  However, other party members, (2 of which are leaders), felt it is a T-5.  I think this is a can be somebody's first T-5 trip.

The scramble route is easy to find.  Once the trail gets way up on the ridge, watch for the gully with the yellow paint markers.  Go up 200 vertical, to a flat spot, then continue up, keeping to the right. 

Slow to moderate pace with lots of "vista stops", 13 hours.

Here are pictures that Barb Motteler took:



Actual route is a bit e