Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Basic Snowshoe - Reflection Lakes

Weather forecast was iffy with freezing level about 400’-5000’ and probable rain. The day turned out great. Back to car at 2 pm and the only moisture was in the am which was more of a mist. Most participants cancelled so just three of us. We did an alternate to Reflection Lake from Paradise c

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Thin layer of concrete snow on old frozen snow. Overcast. Warmish. Well traveled areas were packed down. 

With 7 participants cancelling due to the fickle weather it was just three of us so we opted to start and finish from Paradise and do a loop to Reflection Lake. 5F4C5C5D-B496-4B2D-AF05-EEAFBDDB3EA7.jpeg