Trip Report
Basic Snowshoe - Kendall First Knob
Snowshoe trip to Kendall First Knob on a glorious blue bird day!
- Sat, Feb 10, 2018
- Basic Snowshoe - Kendall First Knob
- Kendall: Knobs, Lakes & Loops
- Snowshoeing
- Successful
- Road suitable for all vehicles
No road issues accessing Gold Creek sno-park. Arrived just after 8 with plenty of parking available. Trail itself to Kendall was in good condition and frozen from overnight chill.
Beautiful trip up to Kendall Knob #1 with incredible weather. Trail was frozen solid and generally in good condition with a few postholes left from users on prior days when things weren't as solid. We didn't need snowshoes at all on the ascent and made good time to the knob. Enjoyed 270 degree views including Rainier peaking out in the distance. On the descent, we came back down the ridge line part way rejoining the forest road for the descent back to the car (and the crowds on their way up).