
Trip Report    

Basic Rock Climb - The Tooth/South Face

Successful late season climb with fairly experienced group.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Route in a good condition. Couple small trickles in boulder field close to the trail, which can serve as water source (although I am not sure how long they are gonna still be there) We replaced one sling on rappel station on top of 2nd pitch since it showed signs of being already sun beaten and worn.

Started at 6am and reached boulder field exactly at dawn. The air quality was okay-ish at the beginning but started getting worse as day progressed. Still, we got to the bottom of the climb in 2.5 hours.

Rock climbing went smoothly. I got to try the 5.6 variation that goes directly under rappel route (on my previous trip, I led the Catwalk variation, and as a  5'2'' tall individual, I am too short to place pro before the crux move and free solo is not my type of climbing :). For those who are wondering (and hasn't done it), it is definitely very soft 5.6 (I am not experienced enough to grade climbing routes, but it wasn't harder than any other move on the South Face).

While on the summit, we definitely noticed smoke rolling in into the area, so decided to cut the break short and get out of there as soon as possible. Descent was uneventful (one double rope rappel and two singles after that). 9h 45min car to car.