Trip Report
Basic Alpine Climb - The Tooth/South Face
Snow bridges are melting out fairly quickly. Crampons or microspikes both worked for the approach and return. Snowshoes not required.
- Sun, Jun 25, 2017
- Basic Alpine Climb - The Tooth/South Face
- The Tooth/South Face
- Climbing
- Successful
- Road suitable for all vehicles
Trail up to the sign for Source/Snow Lakes not snow-free yet, but moving in that direction. Caution required over the main stream we crossed on the Tooth side of Source Lake. Snow is thinning pretty rapidly there. On way out, we set up a hand-line as a precaution for the thin snow, and to aid climbing the adjacent bank. Some form of traction aid definitely recommended. Fairly significant melting occurred during the day, so best route up did not equal the best route down - especially snow bridges over stream crossings.
We used two rappels to the snowfield to skip Pineapple Pass on the way down. Built a little snow platform to allow climbers to get ice axe and crampons out for the trip down. Pineapple Pass itself snow-free at the very top, with snow present, but melting, on either side.