Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Basic Alpine Climb - Silver Star Mountain/Silver Star Creek

Fresh snow and varied weather conditions made for an interesting day day out on Silver Star via the Silver Star Creek route.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • We had consistent snow starting in the basin at around 5200'.  There was a lot more snow on the route then when I did it on a similar date in 2018.

    The upper mountain is in beautiful shape, with a ton of snow covering everything up.  We had 6" of fresh snow at the col.  

We left the cars at 515am and were back at 7pm.

(sorry for the image rotation, the Mountaineers software doesn't honor my phones rotation, but I figured its better to upload the pics then not ... )

The silver star creek route is rough, very rough, with tons of blow downs, bush whacking and boulder hopping.


We encountered fresh snow down low (4000')


Lots of snow on the upper part of the approach


Six inches of new snow on the upper snow fields, here Milo climbs towards the summit block.


Lots of snow on the summit block as well.   We scrambled towards the top, but turned around as it was a little too alpine. :)


All-in-all a great day out, with a strong crew .