Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Basic Alpine Climb - Kangaroo Temple/North Face

Beautiful day in WA pass

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • There's still a lot of snow on the route coming up to Kangaroo Pass.  Crampons weren't quite necessary for us (after a fairly warm night, might need them if it's colder) but ice axes should be carried.  Route finding was a bit challenging with snow covering parts of the trail, making it difficult to follow.  We ended up doing some bushwacking, but the overall route/direction isn't hard to figure out.  Past Kangaroo Pass the route is in good shape until the final approach to the climb - it's still steep, sandy and with a lot of rockfall potential.  The last section has pretty steep snow, I would recommend going around to the left to avoid going up it and risking a fall with no run off.