Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Backpack - Royal Lake

Two night backpack in Royal Basin area.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles

I co-lead this backpack with Michele Ritala.  The parking area near the Dungeness trailhead was very full on Saturday when we arrived.  Five of us did the eight mile hike to Royal Lake in 5 hours.   The trail was in good condition, only one tree across the trail.  We had nice sunny days all weekend.  There were lots of wildflowers in bloom along the route.   Campsites were pretty full, but we were able to find a site large enough for five tents at the south end of the lake.  People were fishing and swimming in the lake.  Unfortunately, the lake was popular with the mosquitoes too.   On Sunday, we hiked up to the Upper Basin the mountains and the ponds in that area.  We met one couple that has set up their tent in the Upper Basin.  Monday we hiked back to the tailhead.  Most people that we passed had their masks on when we passed.  It was a very scenic trip.