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Trip Report    

Backpack - Copper Ridge

Spectacular North Cascades backpack loop along Copper Ridge returning along the Chilliwack River

  • Road rough but passable
  • Trail is in good condition, though brushy along the Chilliwack River. Two fords of the Chilliwack River were mid-shin depth; the cable car normally available for the second (southern) ford was down for repairs. Active wasp nest about 3 miles from the trailhead. 

Clear weather allowed us to fully appreciate Copper Ridge's reputation for daylight views. 

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Dark moonless nights provided spectacular star viewing. 


Copper Lake provided a refreshing swim on a warm day. 

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The view from the best seat at Copper Lake:

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And the blueberries!

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Our first night at Silesia Camp, while spectacular, was dry, necessitating a 1-mile roundtrip descent to Egg Lake for water.  Our second day to Copper Lake, was short, but gave us time for a leisurely lunch at the unmanned Copper Mountain Lookout as well as a swim (or 3) in Copper Lake.

On our third day, we descended to the Chilliwack River and our first ford; mid shin-deep and easy. 


Soon we spied bright red spawning Kokanee salmon in the River. 


After wooded miles, we recrossed the Chilliwack River, a slightly deeper ford, to our third night at wooded U.S. Cabin Camp.  On our final day, we completed our loop.

Thanks for Kenji for his photos.

The new North Cascades National Park advance reservation system allows planning overnight trips in the Park with assurance you'd receive desired campsites; a big improvement over the old system.