
Trip Report    

Alpine Scramble - Old Baldy Mountain

Beautiful day, some vegetation, a snow covered talus field and 360' views all around

  • Road rough but passable
  • The road has been well laid, by the loggers, making it a better ride, till the chained off area. 

    The route is 100% off-trail once past the road turn off. The first 400-500 feet is through the trees, but the slide alders and baby greens were still sleeping.

    Once past that, there is some thick vegeation, what ever happens, then tallus. The snow in the basin is good enough to kick steps - but thinning soon. The ridge to the summit, is narrow, but passable 

Led for mountaineers on a beautiful sunny day. No running water after the trail turn off

Started at the lower then off ( as there were signs of no trespassing). Glad there was no logging on the weekend. The turn off has enough place for 4-5 cars along the road

We walked the road for about a mile till we broke off trail, the first 400-500 feet off trail is actually through trees, but steep. Glad the slide alder was not blooming yet. The snow in these sections might have melted recently allowing for good purchase when kicking steps, as the dirt was still wet

From there, we traverse to another ridge, the vegetation gets thicker, but only about 300-400 feet. If you stay on the ridge, there is some respite. Lots of broken trees and fallen ones, we thought either wind or avalanches

From there we enter a Tallus field, we opted to get into snow as early as possible and avoid all the cornices. So we stayed the contour line and got to a spot, where we saw no cornices above us and aimed for the ridge

The final summit ridge, is narrow and has mini cornices, with avy debris on the norther slopes as well. But enough space to rug between trees and the ridge

Downhill was uneventful. Glad to run into Liana and Dennis on our way down, as they were heading up

Pictures can be found here https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMXMjpHYnddDaIdZe0ZTHCxdJUae5kJbPOzGHFnk3LxF2SRVBRJBEOyYkr8JlEc-w

(Since its annoying to post pictures on trip report on the site)


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Sarah Taylor
Sarah Taylor says:
Jul 14, 2021 07:03 PM


You state "be inclusive of fellow participants" but your "Trip Requirements" are the antithesis of inclusive. The Mountaineers is supposed to be an inclusive environment for others to learn in the outdoors. I'm a strong hiker but this description would dissuade me from ever signing up as I would be constantly worried that I couldn't maintain the required "3mph downhill pace" or take >1 break along the way to use the bathroom or filter water since I don't possess a "Katadyn befree".

It appears that anyone not meeting your standards will be publicly shamed according to your description ... "If participants fall behind on this pace (considering the nature of the trail), slower participants will be asked/should consider/may stay back at Lake George while rest of the group makes the summit" What happened to ... "share their knowledge, and are passionately committed to teaching skills and providing outdoor memories to the next generation of adventurers and conservationists"?



Leader's notes
This is a very strenuous hike and we will be moving at a brisk pace. The trail should gain about 2500 feet in 5 miles (one way) and overall 12 miles round trip.

Pace of hike and trip plan: We will not be taking long breaks (>1 min) along the way, there will be one summit break for about 10-15 mins to enjoy the views.

Uphill pace: 2.5 miles and 1000 feet an hour
Downhill pace: 3 miles and 1200 feet an hour

Please only sign up if you have done similar paced adventures in the 30 days leading to the trip . Able to hike fast downhill is a must

There is no leaders permission required for this trip, but please self-evaluate yourself before signing up for this trip to make sure we are moving quick as a group and not waiting/breaking frequently.

Water sources: We can stop on the way up/down at Lake George to filter water if needed. (again please be efficient - if you have a Katadyn befree, bring them vs a traditional water filter)

Bugs and insects: There could be bugs at Lake George, if you are planning on filtering water/ washing your face/ cooling your hats, etc, please do not use bug spray/sunscreen to Leave no trace in this environment

Covid Guidelines: Considering the recent uptick on Delta variant cases as of 6/29 (Indian Variant), we will follow any and all CDC guidelines, which might require us to not to carpool for this trip. So please be mindful before you sign up

Time Estimate/Participant Turn around time: To give every participant a fair chance of summit, we will continue to hike in the above mentioned pace of 2.5 miles an hour uphill. If participants fall behind on this pace (considering the nature of the trail), slower participants will be asked/should consider/may stay back at Lake George while rest of the group makes the summit

By signing up for this trip, you have agreed to the above trip plan posted by the trip leader

Mountaineers trips are not a guided trips, instead they are trips led by volunteers. Please be respectful of the time invested by the leaders and be inclusive of fellow participants

The Mountaineers
The Mountaineers says:
Jul 16, 2021 05:27 PM

@Sarah: Thank you for your comment. The Mountaineers strives to offer trips that meet the wide variety of skills and interests of our members and guests. As such, not all of our trips are a good fit for all individuals. We encourage leaders to be specific with their trip requirements to set clear and respectful expectations about trip goals and style. If you ever have questions or concerns about your ability to meet specific trip requirements, we encourage you to start a conversation with the leader to discuss whether or not the trip would be a good fit. Our Member Services team is also available to help you find a trip to match your skills and interest.