
Trip Report    

Alpine Scramble - Mount Jupiter

Long, strenuous, but beautiful trip to Mt. Jupiter with great views of The Brothers, Mount Constance, and eastern Olympics.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Snow is almost entirely gone.  Although ice axes were appreciated in a few spots for a self belay, this trip will shortly be a hike.  Ticks were reported last week (possibly from lower clear cut/brush/forest trail), so we hiked the logging road all the way to the ridge crest at ~2800’ (easy access to the trail, details can be seen here, and here).  No ticks were encountered by our party.  Unseasonably warm temperatures in the upper 70s, lower 80s with minimal breezes.

Beautiful views and a great workout on this ~20 mile/~5000’ gain trip (logging road gate was closed at the ~1200’ elevation).  Total time was just under 10 hours, with 5 hours up, an hour on the summit, and a few short breaks here and there.  Photos from this and other trips to this venue can be seen here.


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Andy Cahn
Andy Cahn says:
May 13, 2019 07:59 AM

Dave, would it have saved time/saved energy to bring mountain bikes for the road walk? -Andy

Andy Cahn
Andy Cahn says:
May 13, 2019 08:00 AM

Were the rhodies blooming? That's my favorite aspect of this hike.