Trip Report
Alpine Scramble - Mount Ellinor
Great views, beautiful day, fun glissade.
- Tue, May 9, 2017
- Alpine Scramble - Mount Ellinor
- Mount Ellinor
- Scrambling
- Successful
- Road suitable for all vehicles
F/S road 24 freshly graded, minor potholes on F/S road 2419
Group of 8, 3 students. Left TH 9:30 beautiful blue skies Ellinor and Washington prominent on skyline. Snow covering road just after lower trail head parking. Hit snow on trail by 3200 well consolidated. Some used micro spikes, good steps going up chute, at saddle for lunch, Summit by 1:00pm wonderful glissade off summit, and down chute. Stopped and regrouped at several locations on the decent. Careful to be sure everyone in control of speed. Some clouds and a bit hazy, Enjoyed views of Rainier, Hood Canal and Puget Sound and Olympics. Saw a dozen or so other folks enjoying the day.Returned on upper trail, short road walk back to cars at 4pm.