Trip Report
Alpine Scramble - Howson Peak (winter)
Headed east and escaped the rain.
- Sun, Feb 19, 2017
- Alpine Scramble - Howson Peak
- Scrambling
- Successful
- Road suitable for all vehicles
Salmon La Sac road was "mostly" plowed. Temps along the road were above freezing. Ruts of slush were deep enough that the bottom of my Corolla was dragging through the snow in places. Tire track was melted down to asphalt, so no traction concerns.
6:30 AM - met at Issaquah Tibbets Lot
9:00 AM departed from wide plowed pullout on the Salmon La Sac Road
More or less followed 05-08-2014 Peakbagger track. For winter travel, staying just right of the track may be more desirable. Per the CalTopo slope shading, these slopes are a bit more gentle.
At noon we reached point 5159'. This point had a sharp crest, reminiscent of Eldorado.
1 PM we were on top of Howson Peak.
Original plan had been to make a loop trip over to Sasse and then down to the road, time and conditions permitting. Not surprisingly, the ridge was heavily corniced. We headed out along the frosted ridge, traversing just below the crest on the left side (leeward). Travel required use of ice axes for self belay. By 1:30 PM we had not made significant progress due to the technical nature of the traversing (it's about a mile to Sasse), so we turned around and returned the way we came.