
Trip Report    

Alpine Scramble - Guye Peak/North Route

Excellent snow conditions and good weather window along with a great group made this an enjoyable outing.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Spring snow is finally here; consolidated snow make footing excellent for the entire route.  Log crossing is in great shape with about a 5 foot down climb from the snow to snow-free logs, but good steps make it easy.   

Excellent group made the trip very enjoyable.  We were fortunate to have the entire trip in a decent weather window encountering no worse than a few passing snow showers.  The snow is nicely consolidated for he entire route creating no challenges.  The log bridge crossing is snow free; there is a 5 foot snow bank to negotiate to get onto the log bridge, but the snow is firm with decent steps.  Took snowshoes and micro-spikes, but used neither.  Some icy & hard snow on the wooded steep slopes on the way up allowed us to get in a little ice axe practice.  Ate lunch at the flat below the summit where we added our fifth team member - Frosty, The Snowman.